Yuva Seva Volunteering "Vaignaanikaa Yaatra"

Team Yuva Seva Volunteered "Vaignaanikaa Yaatra" for Government School Students from Mahabubnagar Distrct...organized by Pillalamarri Science Forum supported byVandemataram Foundation. Conducted Competitions for about 10,000 students across the Mahabubnagar Govt. schools.. in which 115 students finalized for the "Vaignaanika Yatra"
Students explored various Scientific Establishments & Museums in Hyderabad on 11th & 12th May 2014. Their trip included visits to AP State Museum, Birla Science Museum, Salarjung Museum, National Institute of Nutrition, Research Centre Imarat, etc.
Our million thanks to Madhava Reddy Yadma garu who brought the passion and energy to do everything and to work with the Vande Mataram Foundation.
We always feel honour to volunteer for VMF.
Here's to all volunteers Anil NalandaSundeep Kumar Patel,Manoj Kumar ,@Yamuna ThatiPragna VishnudasuBharath Raj , Sai Teja , Joshua VijuHarpreeth Singh etc Thank you for being our hand..those dedicated people who believe in all work and no pay. Volunteers are paid in six figures... S-M-I-L-E-S.
And we also thank Akshara International School Hyderabad, who extended logistic support (Food, Transport, Accommodation) to students & teachers on their visit .
Yuva Seva __/\__
